Siwikunap Apun
(Lord of the Rings-manta pusampusqa)
Siwikunap Apun (The Lord of the Rings) nisqaqa John Ronald Reuel Tolkien-pa 1954-1955 watapi inlish simipi qillqasqan kawsay rikch'am, kimsantin liwrum. Chay siwikunap apunqa huk siwikunata kamachiq, millay kallpayuq siwim.
llamk'apuy- 1954 Siwi masikuna (The Fellowship of the Ring), ISBN 0-618-00222-7 (HM).
- 1954 Iskaynintin pukara (The Two Towers), ISBN 0-618-00223-5 (HM).
- 1955 Qhapaqpa kutimusqan (The Return of the King), ISBN 0-618-00224-3 (HM).