(Se non capisci Inglese, posso scrivere in Italiano) (Se vi ne komprenas Anglan, mi povas skribi en Esperanto)


I'm sorry about asking in English - i don't know Spanish or Quechua.

I saw that this new article about Belarus was created. The old international name of Belarus "Belorussia" was influenced by the Russian language. Today Belarus is independent and the Belarusian people ask that whenever possible, the spelling will be based on the Belarusian name and not the Russian. This means mostly two things:

  1. That the sound between the L and the R will be A and not O. I see that foreign words that usually have O, have U in Quechua, like "Iwrupa". Is it possible to put A instead?
  2. That there won't be an "ia" ending, in case "iya".

If you can fix it, please do. Maybe "Bilarus" is OK? But if "Bilurusiya" is the only right way to write the name of this country in the Quechua language, then leave it like it is.

Thanks for understanding. --Amire80 20:22 13 sep 2006 (UTC)

"https://qu.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rimanakuy:Bilurusiya&oldid=9212" p'anqamanta chaskisqa (Wikipedia, Qhichwa / Quechua)
Volver a la página «Bilurusiya».