Alexandre Hocquet, aka d:Q25975812 on Wikidata, is a historian of science and STS academic. He publishes (among other topics) about Wikipedia, and specifically about teaching Wikipedia as a "digital culture" case study.

Publications about Wikipedia In English

Publications about Wikipedia in French

see my user page on WP:fr

Open access

In the process of re-using CC-BY licensed academic papers into Wikipedia articles, as an experiment about the entanglements of Open Access, Wikipedia licensing policies and the complex issues of plagiarism and self-plagiarism : en:Computational Chemistry List and partially en:Electronic mailing lists from this paper.

WikiMOOC at Wikimania 2017

The WikiMOOC, a new way to learn how to edit Wikipedia, conference at Wikimanaia 2017

The WikiMOOC is a francophone, volunteer-based massive open online course, under a CC-BY-SA licensing policy.

  • August 2017 talks at WikiConv NA and Wikimania in Montreal.
"" p'anqamanta chaskisqa (Wikipedia, Qhichwa / Quechua)